Lewis Brown Griffin – A Wrench in the Meharg Theory? (Short answer – No)
[As always, read the endnotes.] Now here’s the long answer. When I was researching the Meharg problem, the one issue that could have...
The Dicy Parker Edge Garrett Bible 1834 — photos, transcription, and summary
Note: it is highly unusual for me to share photos of private family documents online. For one thing, I fear someone will post the photos...
The Bagleys of Calhoun County, Alabama, Part One: Elizabeth Bagley Meharg and Her Children
Jack Downing’s maternal aunt, Louise Catherine Brothers, married James H. Bagley. As a result, the name Bagley has a habit of showing up...
Photograph of an Unknown Lady Identified?
Note: I am not convinced. That is not the same as saying "it's not her;" I just want more evidence, which at the moment, isn't...
Death Record Found for Hester Downing
When doing research, there are certain people you just fall in love with for no explicable reason. Their names may just appear in a...
Rebecca Meharg of St. Clair and Benton Counties Found
Note: As always, please read the endnotes. All information below was found via www.FamilySearch.org except where otherwise noted. Given...
On the Trail of John P. Meharg: More Preponderance of the Evidence in the Meharg Problem
Note: As always, the endnotes are important. First of all, my great thanks to Dennis Ison for contacting me and giving me two pieces of...
Temperance Coker
This originally appeared as a “note” in an appendix entitled “The Downing-Meharg-Coker Connection” from my book The Downings of...
The Meharg Problem - Additional Preponderance of the Evidence
The following record is found on page 80 of Old Records of Estates and Administrations, Benton County, Alabama, by Cathrine [sic] Cleek...
Downing Slaves and Former Slaves
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This originally appeared in my book The Downings of Choccolocco, Calhoun County, Alabama Vol. 1: the Descendants of James...